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FBI Jobs


Join a premier workforce dedicated to securing the safety of communities across America.

Forge Your Path

As one of the world’s most prestigious organizations, the FBI provides you unparalleled experiences, training, and leadership and career development opportunities. Learn more about an exciting and unique career as a special agent.

special agent

Special Agent woman collaborating with team in an office setting


Here at the FBI, we have rigorous standards for employment eligibility. At minimum, you must be a U.S. citizen, be able to obtain an FBI Top Secret clearance, pass our polygraph examination, and adhere to our drug policy.


We believe that transparency and communication are important components in our hiring and onboarding process for all applicants. Here's what you can expect in the hiring process.


We value all employees and have implemented programs to foster health, wellness, and work-life balance. Our benefits provide you with opportunities to take care of your personal wellness needs as well as the needs of your family.


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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Diversity is at the core of our mission. We are committed to an inclusive environment where all people, perspectives, and experiences are valued. See why our employees made the decision to accept the mission to uphold the Constitution and protect the American people.

Culture and Commitment

A group of diverse people looking at the camera while sitting in the FBI Courtyard